Standing for election as a Parish Councillor
The election of parish councillors takes place on the first Thursday in May, every four years. Barnt Green Parish Councillors will be elected this year on Thursday 7 May 2015. Although the following seeks to provide the information required by prospective candidates,
please raise any questions with the Electoral Services Officer, Lizzie Tovey, on 01527 881421 or at
Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils has produced two helpful leaflets for prospective candidates. Both can be accessed by following this link.
To stand for election on the Parish Council you must be aged 18+ and be:
- a UK or Commonwealth citizen; or
- a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or
- a citizen of another Member state of the European Union.
To be eligible to stand as a Parish Councillor in Barnt Green you must:
- be registered as a local government elector for the parish; or
- in the past 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish; or
- work in the parish (as your principal or only place of work); or
- live within three miles of the parish boundary.
Party politics are irrelevant. The Parish Council serves the community and has no party political affiliation. However, you should not have been:
- declared bankrupt; or
- convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than three months within five years before the election date; or
- disqualified under any enactment relating to corrupt or illegal practices.
You cannot be a paid employee of the Parish Council.
There are four initial steps to take before standing in elections:
1. Find out when the Notice of Election is published
Bromsgrove District Council advise this is likely to be 16 March 2015. Please contact the Electoral Services Team for confirmation.
2. Get a nomination form
From the Electoral Services Office, Bromsgrove District Council, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove, B60 1AA. Copies may also be available at the parish council office at 80 Hewell Road, Barnt Green, B45 8NF.
3. Complete your nomination form
The candidate, proposer and seconder must complete and sign the form. (Electoral Register Numbers are required and available from Electoral Services Office).
4. Return your completed nomination form
These must be returned to the Electoral Services Office between 10am and 4pm on any working day after publication of notice of election until Thursday 9 April 2015.