Adopting a Neighbourhood Development Plan gives local residents a measure of control over the development of their community. This is why a Barnt Green Neighbourhood Development Plan is important.
Because the plan must reflect the wishes and aspirations of the all those who have a stake in the future development of Barnt Green, the Parish Council is consulting with residents, landowners, businesses and local community groups. It is also liaising with the District Council and surrounding parish councils.
The Parish Council seeks to keep local residents informed of progress to date and invites interested parties to review the various documents and resources underpinning the plan, available upon application to the Executive Officer.
The Barnt Green Neighbourhood Development Plan will only legally come into force following a successful referendum of residents within the parish. However, before residents are invited to adopt the Development Plan an independent, qualified person will be appointed to ensure the plan is workable, of appropriate quality, legally compliant and that it has regard to national planning policy and the development plan for the local area.
If the outcome of the referendum is positive, the local planning authority is under a legal duty to bring the proposals set out within the plan into force.