Millennium Park play area
Barnt Green Parish Council provides the following services:
Barnt Green Playing Field, Bittell Road (to rear of Baptist Church, adjacent to Barnt Green Sports Club), B45 8LU. Playing field of 9 acres consisting of grassed play area, football kick-about area, woodland and stream. There is an older children’s activity play area with climbing wall, balance pole and rope bridge; a basket-ball hoop, three picnic tables and several bench seats.
Millennium Park, Hewell Road B45 8NW. The village centre play area for younger children covers half the park site and includes a set of swings, a slide, roundabout, infant activity climbing frame, junior swing bridge/climbing frame.
The other half of the park is given to grass, paved pathway to three access points (Hewell Road and Sandhills Road) and bench seating.
Footway lighting across the parish except for that in Fiery Hill Road.
Bench seats at various points on the highways; these may be painted blue or black.
Bus shelter on Hewell Road; includes a public use notice board.
Notice boards at Hewell Road (one is next to the bus shelter, the other, for public use, is at the bottom of Station Approach) and at Barnt Green Playing Field.
Environmental improvements include the availability of a parish Lengthsman to do a variety of jobs including keeping drains clear and roadside verges cut back; regular litter picking; flower planters along Hewell Road and the tiered planters at either end of Hewell Road. The Parish Council also provides hanging baskets for shop-fronts along Hewell Road during the summer months.
Parish Footpaths Warden is a role for a local volunteer working in partnership with the county council; in Barnt Green the PFW arranges several community walks each year and ensures the public rights of way are kept accessible for all walkers during the year.
Communications with parishioners each year via two editions of The Bulletin newsletter.
Community Events are arranged to build on community relationships within the parish; the Parish Council will work with any group wishing to stage similar activities.
Grants for funding support can be requested from the council; a copy of the Grants Policy is available on the Governance and Policies page and a list of grants given throughout the preceding year can be seen on the Finance page.
Parish Council office at 80 Hewell Road, B45 8NF is open 4 days each week; Monday – Thursday 10am – 1pm. An interesting series of history maps is on display showing the development of Barnt Green village over 150 years.
Representation: the Parish Council will represent residents wishes and needs to other stakeholders in the parish, including other levels of local authority government, transport, police and health bodies.
Car Park – the commuters’ car park at the corner of Fiery Hill Road / Kendal End Road is the responsibility of Barnt Green Parish Council.