High profile guests to headline 2022 Hate Crime Awareness Conference
High profile guests to headline 2022 Hate Crime Awareness Conference
As in previous years, the annual Hate Crime Awareness Conference will take place later this month, with three high profile and influential guest speakers.
The 14th of October will return to being an in-person event, hosted by the North Worcestershire Hate Incident Partnership, where residents can hear directly from three special guest speakers as part of Hate Crime Awareness Week.
This year’s high-profile speakers include Azeem Rafiq – inspiring anti-racism campaigner and former professional cricketer at Yorkshire County Cricket Club; the Rt. Hon. Stuart Lawrence – coach, motivational speaker, and the younger brother of hate crime victim Stephen Lawrence; and award-winning music producer Shahid Khan – more commonly known as Naughty Boy – who has worked with some of the biggest artists in the music industry.
The event will run from 10am until 12 noon at Parkside, Market Street, in Bromsgrove and the conference is open to all Partner agencies, Elected Members, and members of the public living and working in North Worcestershire.
This is a bookable event so to secure your space at the Conference, please email: .
Cllr Margaret Sherrey, Bromsgrove District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety said: “The message behind Hate Crime Awareness week is a very serious one, and incidents can happen to people from all walks of life. It is important that we voice the stories of those people who have suffered from hate crime so that we can all make changes to ensure this doesn’t happen to others in the future. This year our team have managed to secure some wonderful, high-profile speakers and it looks set to be a very interesting and informative event.”
As well as the Conference, Bromsgrove District residents can help crack down on hate crime by supporting a pop-up event on 11th October, 11am – 2pm, in the Market Area of the High Street.
The information stands at the pop-up event will provide information and materials about what a Hate Crime is, how it can be reported and what support is available to victims and witnesses. The information stands will be supported by West Mercia Police, the Council’s Community Safety Team, Housing Associations, Victim Support, and other key partners.
The North Worcestershire Hate Incident Partnership members have been working together to devise a programme of activities across the districts in support of the national weeklong campaign. These activities are intended to raise awareness of how to recognise Hate Crime and encourage members of the public to report incidents whether they are a victim, a witness or third party.
For more information on the Hate Crime Awareness events, please contact Sarah McIntosh on 0300 303 8838 or visit the website www.unitedagainsthate.co.uk.