Bromsgrove District Street Theatre Dates and Locations

BromStreetTheatre21 A4rev

BromStreetTheatre21 A4rev

Grant Awarding policy and application form

If you represent a community group which is looking for funding, please contact the parish council to see if you are eligible to receive financial support.  A copy of the parish council’s funding policy and application form is here:

Grant awarding policy from 2016-11

Course on Winter Apple Tree Pruning

A course you might be interested in:

Winter Apple Tree Pruning

At Eastham in the Teme Valley

Friday 3rd March 10am til 3pm

Come along and learn to prune apple trees, this course will be held in more of a  garden / small holding orchard so very appropriate for those wanting to learn how to manage  unruly garden fruit trees.

All training, tools, refreshments and a light lunch provided

Tutor – Wade Muggleton

To book a place contact or ring 01905 844 946 and leave your details

Numbers strictly limited places on a first come first served basis

Charity Cake Sale on Friday 24th March

Provest Financial Solutions at 18 – 20 Hewell Road (first floor) will be holding a charity cake sale on Friday 24th March starting at 12noon.  All proceeds are to go to the Make a Wish charity.

Details available from Lucy Kennedy.

1st Floor, 18-20 Hewell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, B45 8NE

Tel: 0121 445 4969 | Email:   |

Funding Fair for community groups

If you’re a voluntary of community organisation working in Bromsgrove or Redditch and need help with funding, this is the event for you.

Special funder workshops available to book but places are limited.

Wednesday 8th March 2017, 10am – 3pm at Redditch Town Hall

Book online at

Or contact BARN on 01527 60282 or for more info.

Funding Fair Flyer 0.3

Barnt Green is open for business

Despite the road closure, the shops in Barnt Green are open and ready for business as usual.

The road under the railway bridge near to Bittell Road, Fiery Hill Road and Kendal End Road is closed at that junction to all traffic, including to pedestrians.

The developers of the new housing site are working to install a footway between Kendal End Road and Fiery Hill Road so that pedestrians can use the bridge at the railway station to get into/out of Barnt Green village.  Vehicle drivers will need to follow the diversion signs – the official diversion from Rednal is either via Groveley Lane, A441, Bittell Road or via Rose Hill, Twatling Road, Fiery Hill Road, Hewell Lane.

All drivers are asked to add extra time to their journeys and to observe the speed limits – which vary between 20mph along Hewell Road in Barnt Green village centre, 30mph along all other roads except for Bittell Road between Barnt Green and Alvechurch (40mph), Rose Hill (40mph) and the A441 (40mph through Hopwood, 50mph in places either side of Hopwood).

Information is available from Worcestershire County Council for live roadworks updates –

and from Worcestershire County Council for bus timetables and changes –

The works being carried out require a temporary road closure to allow for the pavement on the north side of Bittell Road, the road under the railway bridge, to be moved to the south side of the road; this was a requirement of the planning consent for the Cala Homes development.  At the same time, major infrastructure improvements are being carried out for water, gas and telephone services which the parish council is hoping will mean this part of the road should not have to be closed again for the foreseeable future.

The road closure is expect to last until March 2017.



Baptist Church Christmas services

These are the dates for Barnt Green Baptist Church Christmas services;

Sunday 18th December, 10:30am. Christmas Family Service.

Sunday 18th December, 6:30pm. Carols by candlelight.

Sunday 25th December, 10:30am Christmas morning service.


Christmas Lights switch-on 4.30pm Friday December 2nd.

The school choir will lead the carol singing in Millennium Park on Friday 2nd December before the Christmas Lights are switched on.  Join us to see the new lights, five of which have been designed by pupils at St Andrews First School. Then check out the shop window Christmas displays as you follow the lights along Hewell Road to the school Christmas Fair that starts at 5.30pm.  Take part in the competition to find Santa and his Christmas tree decorations on your way!  Entry forms can be picked up from Barnt Green Post Office, the Tea Shop, and Oasis Balloons and Flowers.

Wheelie bin stickers, 30mph

The wheelie bin stickers that show the 30mph roundel and ‘Please Drive Carefully’ are still available from the parish council office.  Call in to collect your free stickers during office hours (Mon – Thursday mornings 10am – 1pm and Thursday afternoons 2pm – 4pm) or phone / email to request free delivery.


Community Walk Saturday 24th September

JOIN US for a free guided walk around Barnt Green on Saturday 24th September.

There are 3 walks to choose from:

8 miles to Bittell, Hopwood and Wast Hills starting at 1.30pm

5 miles to Bittell and Hopwood starting at 2.30pm

2.5 miles to Bittell starting at 4pm

All will start and end in Millennium Park (village centre, corner Hewell Road/Sandhills Road).  Hot food, refreshments and live music when you get back!

Arrive early to register for your walk – Children are Welcome – Dogs are welcome too but under close control and preferably on a lead please!  Poster, Saturday 24th September 2016