This page gives you access to the Parish Council’s recent Annual Returns.
These are audited by the External Auditor, now PKF Littlejohn LLP
2023/2024 Annual Return Documents
External Auditors Report and Certificate 23.24
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 23.24
Unaudited Annual Governance Statement 23.24
Unaudited Accounting Statement 23.24
Unaudited Variance of Analysis 2023.24
Unaudited Bank Reconcilation 23.24
2022/2023 Annual Return Documents
Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Audited AGAR 2022.23
Annual Governance Statement 22.23
2021/2022 Annual Return Documents
Notice of Conclusion of Audit Audited AGAR
Annual Governance Statement 2021.22
2020/2021 Annual Return Documents
Notice of Conclusion of Audit Year Ended 31 March 2021
2019/2020 Annual Return Documents
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2019/2020 and Audited Annual Governence and Accountabilty Return 2019/2020:
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2019.20 – Audited AGAR 2019.20
2018/19 Annual Return Documents
Notice of conclusion of audit for 2018/19: NOTICE OF CONCLUSION OF AUDIT 2018-2019
Audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19: AGAR Audited 30-08-2019
2017/18 Annual Return documents
Notice of conclusion of Audit for 2017/18: NOTICE OF CONCLUSION OF AUDIT 2017-18
Audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18: AGAR audited 2018-09-04
The asset register as at 31/03/2018 is here: AssetRegister2018-03-31
2016/17 Annual Return documents:
Notice of conclusion of Audit for 2016/17: NOTICE OF CONCLUSION OF AUDIT 2016-17
Annual Report for 2016/17 including External Auditor’s report: Annual Return 2016-17, Audited
The asset register as at 31/03/2017 is here: Asset Register as at 2017-03-31
2015/16 Annual Return documents:
The Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been published 3rd August 2016: Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2015-16
The audited Annual Return, with comments by the external auditor, can be seen here: Audited Annual Return 2015-16
The asset register is a list of all the council’s assets up to the end of the last financial year: Asset Register to 2016-03-31
2014/15 Annual Return documents:
The 2014/15 Annual Return has been signed off by the external auditor, Grant Thornton, appointed by the Audit Commission. A copy is also available from the Parish Council office.
Asset Register: a list of the assets held by the Parish Council as at 31/03/2015
Total Attachments: 1